Saturday, April 04, 2009

Shearing Sheep

How many sheep can a Sheep Shearer shear if a Sheep Shearer can really shear sheep? The average Sheep Shearer can shear about 150 a day. (sort of ties up the tongue doesn't it?) But some are capable of much more....

The record (1990) is actually held by New Zealander Alan MacDonald, who did 805 lambs in a nine hours. That's a LOT of sheep! (I wonder how many ears and tails were clipped).

Merino Wool is cherished in both New Zealand and Australia. Australian Possum fur is sometimes blended together for clothing. I bought a toboggan like this just before we left New Zealand. I've found it excellent for warmth and water resistance.
I'd often wondered how difficult a job this was, and the guy that did this lamb said the "key"
is to lift the sheep slightly off the ground before starting the process of shearing. He said they become ...well, "docile as a lamb". Nothing to it......

I would imagine it's a different thing doing this for nine hours a day?

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