Friday, January 05, 2007


Several years ago a bus full of Japanese and Australian tourist were murdered along the road from Alexandria to Cairo.

The terrorist's goal was to disrupt the tourist industry in Egypt and the murders had a devastating effect on the economy. I had no idea what to expect as we loaded our buses and pulled onto the busy highway. It would take almost three hours of fast driving to get to the hotel near the Pyramids.

Sitting in the air conditioned bus I noticed the Arab in the dark suit seated behind our driver. He was meticulously dressed, physically trained and disciplined, and was ready to “expect the unexpected” in any situation. His automatic weapon was hardly visible cuddled to the inside of his jacket.

As our passports were recorded with the police and security agents, we pulled onto the desert highway. Immediately, we were surrounded by small Toyota pickups full of security people. I was beginning to feel like I was riding in the presidential motorcade.
They constantly moved vehicles in and out of our path with blaring horns, flashing lights, bullhorns, and sirens screeching a warning along the highway.

They NEVER allowed us to be “bottled up” in traffic.

The three hour drive passed quickly as we sped through the desert.
It’s a part of the world where there is nothing but sand and a few palm trees.
I could understand why the Nile is worshipped here. Water is everything and the very breath of life. Other than the narrow path of the Nile, it’s totally desolate.

Today is my birthday and I would be soon standing in front of the Giza Pyramids of Egypt. I will always remember this day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! Did your cat leave you any presents?