Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Equator

I’ve told people many times to only believe half of what they see, and even less of what they read.

You will have to make up your own mind when you view the next few pictures.

I can only tell you what I saw….

I’ve heard of this phenomenon but never EVER expected to be at the right place, at the right, time to view it.

After flying to Quito for the last leg of our journey to the Galapagos Islands, we drove to the equator.

Not the OFFICIAL TOURIST SITE, although it was within walking distance, but to a little museum owned and operated by a private family.

We watched in amazement, as our guide poured water into a wash basin, calmed the water, added some leaves for clarity and to observe the flow out the bottom, and then pulled the plug. We watched it empty onto the ground.

I expected it to drain counter clockwise when it emptied.

BUT it ran straight down ….Yep, no movement at all …..Just STRAIGHT down.

After all, we were standing on the Equator and neither in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.

I should have known…

What was REALLY remarkable, was when we re- filled the basin, and moved it three feet to the right, and then pulled the plug again.

This time it ran beautifully, CLOCKWISE onto the ground.

My eyeballs nearly popped out of my head!

We tried the same thing on the left but it wouldn’t spin the opposite direction. He said it worked sometimes but not always ….this just wasn’t the day. Well….win a few and loose a few…. but this was still an amazing sight to view.

Our visit was also spectacular because, as I’ve heard it said before, on ONE day in West Virginia, you can balance an egg on a table top.

On the equator, you can always balance an egg this way.

And get this….you can do it EVERY day!

You can even balance it on the head of a nail!!

I watched in amazement as the guide placed the egg and walked away from it.

Not withstanding an earthquake and this definitely happens from time to time, it would balance there all day.