Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Small "GREEN" Tahitian Island

This was one of the more interesting forays we had on the islands.
It was spent speeding along the coast in a “fast” twin hull boat.

We visited a “private island” that was powered by “solar cells”.
The electricity was stored in large "marine batteries".

Everything on the island was ran by DC current.

All the lighting at night was provided by fluorescent DC bulbs.

The rain water was caught and stored in large fiberglass tanks.
If hot water was needed, it was also heated by solar panels.
All cooking was done on an “open fire” and the “fresh fish” they cooked was the best I’ve ever eaten.

This was a very GREEN ecological experience.

I was glad we visited this place.


Donna. W said...

That's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Hi John,

I wish we were in Tahiti now!
The wind is howling!


Richelle Loughney said...

Wow, this is so awesome! I hope I can visit this Tahitian Island one day. I really love the idea of having that fiberglass tank as rainwater storage. It can notably help them in providing a sufficient and cost-efficient water source.