Monday, February 05, 2007


Honolulu was a welcome sight!
It took twenty five hours to get here from West Virginia.
There was snow and ice in the Midwest.
It seemed to take forever...
The Humpback Whales have arrived in the Islands.
They come from Alaska to have their Babies.

World regulations prohibit boats from approaching them.
There are strict guidelines to prevent collisions with the whales.
We saw one “breech” clear out of the water.
And we shut down the engines and listened to them talk.
It was an eerie language.
One approached us and was close enough for us to see its eyes.

And then we hiked across the lava.

The Volcano Kilauea is smoking in the distance.

We hiked around a new lava field and across an old one.

And the trail ended at the sea.

You would never know there used to be a town here.
It’s now below seventy five feet of lava.

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