Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Two Lakes at the Hotel

Looking closely at this picture reveals two different things. The first is a small boat we used to cross the lake, the second is the remaining glimpse of a glacier on the mountain. Our journey this morning took us to the other side of one lake, and after a short walk, another ride in a different lake.

The Many Glacier Lodge Park was once home to 125 different glaciers. Our climate is changing and there are only 25 now. Here's the first boat on the first lake:

As we walked a short distance to the other lake, we saw this "sign" of grizzly activity on a tree along the path. It's always wise to make yourself known by carrying a little "bell" as you walk around here. This grizzly reached high to scratch is claws on this tree to show other bears that "this was his territory".

I'm still not sure how this "other boat" reached this lake which was on the other side of our current one. There was something mentioned about a frozen creek and transporting it in the winter season but I'm still confused about as to how it ended up here.

When the winter season is at it's worse here, everyone leaves with the exception of a few maintenance people. Snow drifts can be 50 ft tall and it's quite an effort to keep it off the roof of the hotel.

Rumor has it that animals had once fallen through the "skylight" on the roof  as they walked across the top in the snow. There are several stuffed "mountain goats" in the hotel lobby.

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