Saturday, December 13, 2008

An Early Morning Walk

Sometimes....... you're fortunate to be in the right place at the right time. That was the case when we hiked up to the "Lily Pond", one early foggy morning near "Smileys Tower". It's not a long hike, but the mist was thick as a light rain, and we could hear a chorus of frogs singing from many yards away. We were soaked by the time we got there.

The frogs sensed us immediately, and stopped for a bit, before deciding to continue the Symphony. (you can never be too safe in a natural area)

I've never heard a Symphony like this one, and have never heard another since then. I wish I had taken a recorder with me but you can't carry everything all the time.

It was Amazingly Supreme

The slightest movement would have interrupted the entire pond, so we sat absolutely motionless for almost 20 minutes before a deer brought the songs to a halt. It seemed like some of the frogs were large as a small squirrel. They sang the base notes....

The longer we sat, the more movement became apparent around us. Before hiking back down, we saw a porcupine from atop "Smileys Tower".

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